Grayling SDA School

Encounter Jesus, Experience Excellence

How to Apply

Application CHECKLIST

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open, and we currently have spots available in grades K-8.

The soft deadline for application forms for attending the first day of school is August 7, 2024.

Pre-register for 2024-2025

Use the link below to pre-register online.

After your pre-registration has been accepted, print and complete the following forms:

         New Student Families: To apply, print the 2024 Enrollment Form, Student Behavior Form, and three (3) Recommendation Forms and mail it to the school. You may also fill it out in person by appointment or email it to

Once a student is accepted, the additional registration forms must be on file before students attend their first day of school.

Forms & Documents

   Returning Student Families: Please make an appointment with the principal to edit and resign/date forms already on file if possible. This will update your child(ren)'s information and take care of reapplication for the new school year. If you are missing any forms on file, please print them from the website or pick them up at the school by appointment. All additional registration forms must be on file before students attend their first day of school. If any forms need to be refilled, the principal will let you know in advance.

Guest or ASPIRE Families:

If you are homeschooling and would like to attend various events in coordination with the school throughout the year, or are attending ASPIRE and will be onsite for your classwork, please fill out the Guest Student Application.


Tuition & Fees:

Click here for current pricing.



Grayling Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School admits students of any race to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities available to students at the school. Any elementary student who is willing to apply self to educational study and development of a Christian character may find admittance possible.

It is understood that every family and student who applies for admission to the school pledges to observe willingly all its published or announced regulations, to uphold the Christian principles for which it stands, and to perform all assigned school duties. By breaking this pledge, a student forfeits enrollment in the school. If a student is retained, it is only at the discretion of the school board.

The school is neither equipped nor staffed to offer special education and therefore may be unable to accept any student who has any serious scholastic, behavioral, mental, or physical disability. Parents of such students who desire a Christian environment and who recognize that the school may not meet their child’s needs must sign a Parent Release Form.

The school board will consider each applicant for admission on an individual basis and may interview the family after receiving the following completed documents:

  1. Application for admission

  2. Proof of medical examination and vaccinations (or signed waiver) for students entering first (1st) or fifth (5th) grade, or a Michigan school for the first time

  3. Three references (recommendation forms)

If an applicant is accepted for admission, parent(s)/guardian(s) are expected to care for the following items: 

  1. Payment of registration fees and first month’s tuition on or before the first day of attendance at school

  2. Request transfer of records from schools previously attended

  3. Complete and turn in all registration paperwork before the first day of attendance

Kindergarten (K) applicants must be at least five (5) years old by September 1 of the current school year to be considered for admittance. First (1st) grade applicants must be at least six (6) years old by September 1 of the current school year.

A transfer student coming from another school system is assigned to a grade level on the basis of the most recent student progress report. A student transferring from a home school or non-traditional school program will be assigned a grade level based on student placement testing.

The school may refuse admission or readmission to any student not meeting the academic or behavioral standards of the school.